20 Things to Know Before CELPIP Exam Test Dates Registration
The Scope of CELPIP General and CELPIP General LS
Both these tests have become immensely popular, not only in the developing countries from where most of the people migrate to Canada - the land of milk and honey (I didn’t want to sound cliche though), but also in the West.
This is basically because Canada is a nation that has a lot to offer its people, both materialistically and psychologically. Its peaceful environment, multicultural diversity, and several other factors, like proper implementation of rules and regulations, allure individuals to settle there permanently.
To be a permanent resident or a citizen of Canada, people now have the opportunity to appear for a test as simple as using English in daily life. In the respective order of the categories written, the tests which can be given are CELPIP General and CELPIP General LS.
Want to know about CELPIP in detail? Click here! What is CELPIP General about, and where should it be practiced?
Just like most of the English Language Proficiency tests, CELPIP General too has four modules which check four main communicative skills including Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. All of these test sections have been designed in a way to reflect the use of English in regular routine.
The only thing you, as a fresher, need to keep in mind is that every test has a different format, and anyone appearing in any sort of examination needs to know the exact pattern so that there is no confusion during the actual examination.
For this reason it is very important to keep in mind that practice, no matter how short or long it is, needs to be from such a source with the help of such materials which reflect reality. Many tests available online, are not even of the normal test format.
If you are looking for one such test that can make your dream of settling in Canada come true, then wait no longer. Join CELPIPSTORE—#1 Free CELPIP Sample Practice Mock Tests Material Site Online. Here, you can get several practice tests (in the actual exam format) for your preparation.
What to do once you are entirely prepared for the CELPIP test?
Obviously, when you practice with us (or, say, from some other sources, too), there will be a time when you feel that this is the right time to give the test. After all, it is after a lot of practice and several mock test evaluations that this decision will have been finalized.
Moreover, after completing your practice, you will appear for the final CELPIP General test, designed by Paragon Test Enterprises. At this point, some crucial factors must be quite clear to the candidate before booking or appearing for the exam.
CELPIP General Pre-registration and Registration
There is hardly any test that doesn’t require an identification document before booking a slot, and this is also the case with CELPIP General. As this test is relatively new, there aren’t many centers for it.
However, on the official CELPIP Website, you can find whether a test is being conducted in your area or nearby. Another point worth noticing is that the best way to book the test is online. Remember, CELPIP Test Centres undertake no processing of the registration applications. You also should know Celpip Test Format and Scoring Structure.
You need to create a profile on the official CELPIP Website, and then you can select and book one of the test dates available. As soon as you book your examination, you will receive an email confirming the booking.
The confirmation is very important for the students. Make sure that you carry the printout of this email (that includes your registration number, your name, sitting information, and identification requirements) on the test day, as without this; you will not be allowed to enter the test centre.
Keep on reading further for the crucial part!
What happens on the CELPIP Test Date?
Of course, even if someone has given the test a thousand times, there is always some strange feeling on the day of the examination. In such a case, a minor mistake can also be a blunder (costing you a lot of money and time). Hence, it is essential to know the rules and follow the instructions.
The test is generally available on weekends, and it must be booked online as offline options are not available (except in Canada). A valid and original identification document is required to book an examination.
There are criteria that you as a candidate, need to be careful about while choosing the identification document to be carried on the exam day. It must be similar to the identification document which was used for test registration, with the same details as well as document number.
The ID carried on the examination day ought to be original and not a copy. Make sure you carry the original document because you will not be allowed to give a test if you do not have the original identification document.
The document must be valid. Certain identification documents are not acceptable for booking and appearing for the test (the list can be assessed from the official CELPIP website).
The identification document used for booking the exam must be unexpired, not just valid till the time the exam is booked, but must also have validity upto the exam date.
Once you have decided on the document you will use to book your examination, you can complete the form online. Once that is done, you will receive an email notification which will include the details:
Your Registration Number,
Sitting Information,
and other document(s) you must carry as identification requirements.
On the day of your CELPIP Test, you must take with you a digital or print copy of your email.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that your arrival time on the test date must be at least 45 minutes before the start of the test. If, for any reason, you are unable to reach the test center on time or do not arrive at all, you will not be eligible for a refund or transfer.
Instructions to be followed on the CELPIP Test date:
You, as a candidate appearing for the test, must be aware of some rules. These include instructions regarding your code of conduct and other essential points you must never forget:
You must get to the test center at least 45 minutes before the test. The test center can deny candidates with late entry without entitlement to refund or transfer.
Your ID is the only personal belonging allowed on the test day, and it must also be stored in a bag or a locker allotted to you at the test center.
You are not supposed to bring any valuables to the test center, as neither Paragon Testing Enterprises nor the test center is responsible for your commodity.
All the electronics carried with you should be switched off and, in any case, must not be used inside the test room.
Before sitting for the test, you must give a signature and get your photograph clicked. In the photograph your face must be clearly visible and for the same you are not permitted to wear any head covering or veil except for religious or medical purposes.
Once you are seated for the test inside the test room, you cannot leave your seat unescorted, so it is recommended that you use the restroom before the test begins.
In case you want to use the restroom during the test, raise your hand to get the attention of the examiner, but be careful that the tests cannot be paused because they are automatically timed.
Products like perfumes, colognes, scents, and aftershave make certain people sick, so you, as a candidate, are instructed not to wear them on the test date.
Children are not allowed inside the test room and are also not permitted to be left outside without any supervision.
Eatables, including chewing gums, are not allowed inside the test room. In other words, the candidate cannot eat or drink anything inside the testing premises.
Everything you require during the test would be provided to you by your testing centre, hence, you need not carry anything like pen, pencil, or writing equipment to the test.
If the candidate fails to adhere to the instructions set for the smooth functioning of the examination, the testing center has the authority to remove the candidate or cancel the examination altogether.
What happens after the CELPIP Test?
The result will be available online anytime within 8 working days of the CELPIP Test. The score report can be downloaded in PDF format and is valid for two years from the test date.
The student can obtain a hard copy of the official score report on special request. For this, the candidate needs to fill out a form available on the official CELPIP website. Priority shipping can also be arranged after the payment of some additional costs, details of which can be obtained from the website.
What do I do if I am unsatisfied with my CELPIP result?
Think you deserved a score higher than the one you received? Don’t worry! CELPIP has an option for you. You can apply for a revaluation of either one part or all the parts of the CELPIP Test within 6 months.
Please note that the fee for this revaluation will be based on the type of application you made. However, the fee will be refunded if your score level changes after being revalued.
Once you have submitted the application for revaluation, the request cannot be undone, and the candidate will have to wait around 1 or 2 weeks after submitting the fees and application to get the result.
As the listening and reading modules and their scores in the CELPIP test are computer-read, the revaluation of CELPIP General listening and reading is unlikely to result in any change. Still, a test-taker can apply for the same if he wishes to.
Can the CELPIP Exam be cancelled, or can the date change once the booking is made?
In simple words, the answer is ‘yes’!
The student can change or cancel the examination after following specific procedures. For this, the test-taker might be required to pay some fee. However, it is essential to remember that the cancellation and change are just for the test date and not for any study material.
If the candidate wishes to change the date for the examination and does so at least 9 calendar days before the test, the change is easily granted. In this regard, if the candidate wishes to cancel the test, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
For transferring the date, if the candidate informs at least 9 days before the test, the charges would be CAD 50.00, excluding taxes. If proper documentation is provided in case of a medical emergency, the candidate can get the transfer for an even lesser amount.
It is essential to note that Paragon Testing Enterprises makes the final decision on whether the exam can be cancelled or the date transferred. Paragon Testing Enterprises also decides whether to refund or transfer the test session.
Another crucial point is that any candidate cannot appear for more than one test in four days. This means the test-taker needs to wait at least four days before sitting for another test.
An attempt has been made to simplify the rules and regulations of the CELPIP General test, however you are still requested to refer to the official CELPIP website for timely updates and latest changes in the rules and regulations.
I hope that all the instructions are clear to you. To have the final CELPIP General and CELPIP General LS practice, visit the most reliable CELPIP practice website. Also, let us know about other things you have heard in this regard below in the comment section!
All the very best for your future!