You work a part-time job in a company, and the company posted an advert seeking a person for a full-time position.
Write an email to the manager of the company in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things: Explain the reason why do you want to apply. What are your future goals How it would be beneficial for the company
Sample Answer
Dear Manager, My name is Tony, and I am writing this letter to show my esteemed interest in the full-time position that you have posted last day for the company. I am not sure if you are aware that I have been working as a part-time employee since last year because I was pursuing my college study with it as well. Still, now as I have competed for my course last week and want to start a full-time job for my livelihood, I do not want to miss this precious opportunity. Moreover, it's my genuine desire that I should opt for this field to have a great future ahead; thus want to learn and everything about this business to become a successful personality. In addition to it, I know quite a plenty of stuff about our company business hence it will be easy for me to cope up with new responsibilities with just a little help instead of having a full-fledged training. I hope you will find me an ideal candidate for this position. Thank you in anticipation. Regards, Tony