Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions

Read the following information.

A local NGO working for the betterment of school-going kids, especially focusing on reducing the stress level in the new generation has sent out an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in house.

NGO conducting a survey:

Option A: Kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones or pads, etc.
Option B: Kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.

First of all, I have three kids, and I strongly think that reading is an activity that we, as parents, should introduce in our kid's life from the beginning, whenever they have spare time, rather than taking devices away from them. Good reading comprehension is a skill that would help them develop a routine they will have to follow for at least until they are 18 years old or older at school and university. Hence, it is essential for them to learn it can be a joyful experience. I always try to encourage my kids to grab a book and spend at least one hour a day reading any topic they enjoy, this is why it is so meaningful they can be able to choose the ones they like, with animals, pictures, cartoons, things that will catch their attention, that is the key. Rather than taking technology away from their lives, you can make them understand that reading can be fun, and not only that, it can be a good way of spending time together, as a family or with friends. So for the reasons I have outlined, I feel option B would be a better choice.

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