Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You eat at your college cafeteria at lunch time every day.. However, you think it needs some improvements.

Write an email to the college authorities in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • explain what you like about the cafeteria,
  • say what is wrong with it,
  • suggest how it could be improved.

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing this letter to make a few suggestions why and how the college cafeteria should improve its food offer at lunch. For one thing, I think the offered standard meal for lunch is not healthy enough. It is too rich in calories and has fewer vitamins and dietary fibres. If students each such a heavy meal they cannot be concentrated during the afternoon lessons and so they probably will eat at an alternative place like a salad bar. For another thing, you should offer not only one standard meal for everbody a day but a variety of meals because we have a variety of wishes and dietary habitats. Not everyone loves meat every single day. Furthermore, we also have vegetarians and vegans at our college who do not eat meat or animal products. For them, you offer nothing suitable. I would suggest that you make a menu with four different meals a day: a regular meal with meat and vegetables, a vegetarian meal, a vegan meal and a salad plate for people who only want to have a little snack. I hope you find my suggestions helpful and find better and healthier meals in your cafeteria shortly. Regards Felix