Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions
Read the following information.
A local NGO working for the betterment of school-going kids, especially focusing on reducing the stress level in the new generation has sent out an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in house.
NGO conducting a survey:
Option A: Kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones or iPad etc..
Option B: Kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.
To Whom it may concern. Option B has more advantages than option A. I will go with the option B. We should encourage kids to read books in their free time because of the following reasons. Reading books is an excellent habit. Books are our good friends. Having friendship with books will only enhance your knowledge. Books provide us that knowledge which the smartphones are not going to give the kids. Reading books increases your thoughts, make you smarter. Reading books can strengthen the brain of kids. On the other hand, gadgets like smartphones or iPad only make children dull. Kids become tech-savvy, but these gadgets have so many side effects like they have harmful health effects. Some so many kids have glasses in early age. Kids become couch potatoes only. Also, sometimes, parents become unaware about what kids are doing with these gadgets. These gadgets are not for these ages. So, for these reasons, I prefer that kids should only be encouraged to read books only. Regards Thomas.