Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions

Read the following information.

A local newspaper is conducting a survey to know whether their paper should have more news or more discounts and offers.

Local News Paper Survey:

Option A:Your newspaper should have more local and international news than discount coupons etc.
Option B: You think you can access news online, but you need more of discount coupons and offer sections.

You recently sent out a survey stating that you're planning to bring some changes to your newspaper asking your readers whether they'll prefer adding more news content or they want more discounts and offers. I strongly prefer that you should add more news content to your newspaper rather than discounts and offers. I'll explain my reasons. First of all, your newspaper doesn't cover international events and news on economic matters. Nowadays, due to social media people have started showing interest in international affairs and the number of educated readers in our city has risen by 40% over the last 5 years people are showing interest in the stock market and other economic matters. In contrast, giving discounts and coupons won't increase the reader base as people typically spend very less money on Newspapers. Also, in many neighborhoods, your newspapers are free of cost as per the new government policy. To sum up, adding more informational content like International and Economics to your newspaper will attract a wider audience than giving discounts and offers.

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