
Ways to Improve Computer Typing - Score More in CELPIP Writing

Mastering the art of computer typing is crucial for excelling in the CELPIP Writing Test. Your typing speed and accuracy significantly impact your performance, enabling you to express your thoughts more efficiently and clearly within the given time constraints.

Therefore, it is important to explore effective strategies to enhance your typing skills, ensuring that you can focus on delivering well-structured and coherent responses during the CELPIP exam. 

By implementing these techniques, you'll be better equipped to showcase your language proficiency and achieve a higher score.

Practice Touch Typing

Touch typing is a typing technique where you use all your fingers and type without looking at the keyboard. This skill is essential for improving both speed and accuracy, which are crucial for excelling in the CELPIP Writing Test.

Here are some detailed steps and tips to help you practice and master touch typing:

  1. Learn the Home Row Position: Be aware of the home row which is the starting position for touch typing. Place your fingers on the middle row of the keyboard, where the letters A, S, D, and F are located for your left hand, and J, K, L, for your right hand. Your thumbs should rest on the space bar. This position allows easy access to all other keys.

  1. Use All Fingers: Touch typing involves using all your fingers to type. Each finger is responsible for specific keys, which helps in distributing the workload evenly and reduces the strain on any single finger. Practice moving your fingers from the home row to the keys they are responsible for and then returning them to the home row.

  1. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your touch typing skills. Set aside time each day to practice. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty as you become more comfortable. Focus on accuracy first, and then work on increasing your speed.

  1. Use Typing Tutorials and Exercises: There are numerous online resources and software programs designed to teach touch typing. Websites like TypingClub, Keybr, and offer structured lessons and exercises that can guide you through the process of learning touch typing. These tools often provide immediate feedback on your accuracy and speed, helping you track your progress.

  1. Keep Your Eyes on the Screen: One of the main goals of touch typing is to type without looking at the keyboard. This allows you to maintain your focus on the screen, reducing errors and increasing typing speed. Practice typing while looking at the screen, even if it feels slow at first. Over time, you will become more confident and accurate.

  1. Develop Muscle Memory: Muscle memory plays a significant role in touch typing. As you practice, your fingers will learn the movements required to reach each key. This will make your typing more fluid and automatic, allowing you to type quickly and accurately without conscious effort.

  1. Take Breaks to Avoid Fatigue: Typing for extended periods can cause fatigue and reduce your accuracy. Take regular breaks to rest your hands and eyes. Stretch your fingers and wrists to prevent strain. A comfortable typing posture and regular breaks will help you maintain your focus and efficiency. By practicing touch typing, you will improve your typing speed and accuracy, allowing you to better manage your time and produce higher-quality written responses during the CELPIP Writing Test.

Utilize Typing Software and Online Tools

Using typing software and online tools is an effective way to enhance your typing skills, which are crucial for excelling in the CELPIP Writing Test. These resources provide structured practice, instant feedback, and personalized lessons that can help you improve both your speed and accuracy.

Here’s a detailed look at how to make the most of these tools:

  1. Choose the Right Typing Software

There are many typing software programs available, each offering unique features. Some popular options include:

  • TypingClub - Offers a comprehensive set of lessons, including videos and interactive exercises, designed to teach touch typing from scratch.

  • Keybr - Uses a scientific approach to improve typing by focusing on the most frequently used keys and gradually introducing new ones as you progress.

  • Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing - A well-known program that provides tailored lessons based on your skill level, as well as games and exercises to make learning fun.

  1. Take Advantage of Online Typing Tools

Several websites offer free typing practice and tools that can help you track your progress. Some notable ones include:

  • - Provides a wide range of lessons, from beginner to advanced, and includes typing games to make practice enjoyable.

  • 10FastFingers - Offers speed typing tests and competitions to help you gauge your typing speed and compare it with others.

  • Ratatype - Focuses on accuracy and offers typing lessons, practice texts, and typing tests to help you improve.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

When using typing software and online tools, it’s important to set achievable goals. Start by focusing on accuracy rather than speed. Aim to reduce your error rate before trying to increase your words per minute (WPM). As you become more confident, gradually increase your speed goals.

  1. Track Your Progress

Most typing software and online tools provide detailed statistics on your performance, including your typing speed, accuracy, and areas that need improvement. Regularly review these statistics to track your progress and identify patterns. Use this information to adjust your practice routine and focus on weak areas.

  1. Engage in Regular Practice

Consistency is key to improving your typing skills. Dedicate time each day to practice with your chosen software or online tools. Even short, daily practice sessions can lead to significant improvements over time. Make typing practice a part of your daily routine.

  1. Use Interactive Exercises and Games

Many typing programs include interactive exercises and games designed to make practice more engaging and enjoyable. These activities will help break the monotony of regular practice and keep you motivated. Games often involve typing challenges that require quick thinking and fast typing, which help improve your overall typing speed.

  1. Customize Your Lessons

Some typing software allows you to customize your lessons based on your specific needs and preferences. You can choose to focus on particular keys, words, or types of texts. Customizing your practice will help you address your weaknesses more effectively and improve your typing skills in areas that are most relevant to the CELPIP Writing Test.

  1. Leverage Typing Tests

Regularly taking typing tests will help you measure your progress and adjust your practice routine accordingly. Typing tests typically evaluate your WPM and accuracy, providing a clear indication of your improvement over time.

Many online tools offer timed tests that simulate real exam conditions, helping you prepare for the pressure of the CELPIP Writing Test. These resources provide structured practice, instant feedback, and the flexibility to focus on your specific needs, ultimately helping you to score higher in the CELPIP Writing Test.

Focus on Accuracy Over Speed

While speed is an important aspect of typing, focusing on accuracy is crucial for excelling in the CELPIP Writing Test. Accurate typing reduces the need for corrections, which can save time and ensure that your responses are clear and coherent.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to prioritize accuracy in your typing practice:

  1. Understand the Importance of Accuracy: Accuracy in typing means making fewer mistakes, which leads to clearer, more professional-looking documents. In the context of the CELPIP Writing Test, accurate typing ensures that your answers are free from typos and errors, making it easier for examiners to understand and evaluate your responses.

  1. Slow Down to Avoid Mistakes: One common mistake is trying to type too quickly, which often leads to more errors. It’s better to type slowly and accurately than to rush and make mistakes. As you become more comfortable with accurate typing, your speed will naturally increase.

  1. Concentrate on Proper Finger Placement: Ensure that your fingers are correctly positioned on the home row keys. This foundation helps reduce mistakes and increases typing efficiency. Regularly practice returning your fingers to the home row position after typing each key.

  1. Use Typing Software for Accuracy Training: Many typing programs offer exercises specifically designed to improve accuracy. Tools like TypingClub, Keybr, and provide drills that focus on minimizing errors.These programs often give instant feedback on mistakes, allowing you to learn and correct them immediately.

  1. Proofread Your Work: Always take a moment to review what you have typed. Proofreading helps catch and correct mistakes you may have overlooked while typing. This habit is especially important during the CELPIP Writing Test, where clarity and correctness are crucial.

  1. Practice Typing Difficult Words and Phrases: Identify words and phrases you frequently misspell or mistype, and practice typing them correctly. Create a list of these troublesome words and incorporate them into your daily typing practice until you can type them accurately without hesitation.

  1. Develop Muscle Memory: Repeatedly typing accurately helps develop muscle memory, making your fingers naturally move to the correct keys. Consistent practice of accurate typing builds this muscle memory, reducing errors and increasing your overall typing efficiency.

  1. Monitor Your Accuracy Rate: Keep track of your accuracy rate using typing software or online tools.  These platforms often provide detailed statistics on your performance, including error rates. Use this data to identify patterns and areas where you need improvement.

  1. Correct Mistakes Immediately: When practicing, make it a habit to correct mistakes as soon as they occur. This reinforces the correct typing patterns and prevents bad habits from forming. Over time, you will make fewer mistakes and improve your overall accuracy.

  1. Use the Backspace Key Judiciously: While the backspace key is useful for correcting errors, try to minimize its use by focusing on typing accurately in the first place. Constantly hitting the backspace key can disrupt your typing flow and reduce your overall efficiency.

  1. Adopt a Comfortable Typing Posture: Maintain a comfortable and ergonomic typing posture to reduce fatigue and improve accuracy. Ensure your keyboard is at a comfortable height, and keep your wrists straight and relaxed. A good posture helps you type more accurately and for longer periods without strain.

  1. Set Accuracy Goals: Set specific accuracy goals for your typing practice. For example, aim for a 95?curacy rate before focusing on increasing your typing speed. Gradually raise your accuracy targets as you improve, and celebrate your progress along the way. Accurate typing not only helps you produce clear and professional documents but also enhances your performance in the CELPIP Writing Test by ensuring your responses are easily understood and well-presented.


Improving your computer typing skills is an essential step towards achieving a higher score in the CELPIP Writing Test. By mastering touch typing, utilizing typing software and online tools, prioritizing accuracy over speed, and creating a comfortable typing environment, you significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness during the exam. 

These strategies not only help you type faster and more accurately but also allow you to focus on crafting well-structured and coherent responses. Dedicate time to practice and apply these techniques, and you will see a marked improvement in your typing proficiency and overall performance in the CELPIP Writing Test.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can I improve my computer typing skills?

You can improve your computer typing skills by practicing touch typing, using typing software and online tools, and regularly engaging in typing exercises that focus on both speed and accuracy.

Q2. How can I be good at typing on my computer?

To become proficient at typing on your computer, focus on proper finger placement, practice consistently, and prioritize accuracy over speed to build a solid typing foundation.

Q3. How can I practice typing on my computer?

Practice typing by using online typing programs like TypingClub or Keybr, participating in typing games, and setting aside dedicated time each day for typing exercises.

Q4. How to improve typing accuracy?

Improve typing accuracy by slowing down to avoid mistakes, regularly practicing touch typing, and using typing software that provides instant feedback on your errors.

Q5. How to increase typing stamina?

Increase typing stamina by maintaining a comfortable typing posture, taking regular breaks to avoid fatigue, and gradually increasing your typing duration over time.

Q6. What is the trick behind good typing ability?

The key to good typing ability lies in consistent practice, proper finger placement, and focusing on accuracy before attempting to increase your typing speed.

Q7. What is the best typing strategy?

The best typing strategy involves learning touch typing, using all fingers correctly, and regularly practicing with typing software to track your progress and improve both speed and accuracy.

Q8. How can I get 100 WPM in typing?

To achieve 100 WPM, practice touch typing daily, focus on accuracy, gradually increase your typing speed, and use typing software to monitor and improve your performance.