10 CELPIP Writing Module Tips to Know Before Reviewing Samples
10 Tips to Keep in Mind for Scoring High in CELPIP Writing Module
Name any test and the most difficult part according to most of the students is none other than the writing module, which is also the case with CELPIP General Writing Module.
Be it the format, the word choice, or the sentence formation, everything in writing seems to be overwhelmingly confusing making it difficult to gain a high score.
And surprisingly from the survey that we conducted, we came to find out that nearly 52 indidates who intend to appear for such language proficiency tests, drop the idea due to a low score in writing while practicing!
Strange! Why would one drop the idea of appearing for a test, if one scores less in practice tests? But this happens!
However, you don’t need to worry about the same, as now you’ll read some tips which can help you achieve a high score in the CELPIP General Writing Module, but before that let’s have a look at the pattern.
The Pattern of the CELPIP General Writing Module
The Writing Section of this exclusively Canadian Test is specifically designed keeping in mind the practical use of English Language in day-to-day life.
This part includes two questions, the first of which is an Email Writing, and the second one is Responding to a Survey Question.
Have a look provided below to understand the pattern in a bit more detail.
Question 1: Writing an Email
Time Allotted: 27 Minutes
Word Limit: 150-200 Words
Task: To write an Email on the given situation using the prompts provided
Question 2: Responding to a Survey Question
Time Allotted: 26 Minutes
Word Limit: Around 200 words
Task: To select one of the two possible options for a survey and justify your choice
As mentioned, it can be clearly seen that the CELPIP General Writing Module has two fairly simple questions which again for the convenience of the students, include some of the supporting ideas that can be used by the test-takers while attempting this section.
The complete Writing Section is of 53 minutes (which is more than sufficient if utilised optimally), and what is more, the candidates are provided with various tools that are extremely beneficial in obtaining a high-score.
10 Tips for CELPIP General Writing Module
So now, without any further ado, let’s have a look at the Tips for Scoring High in the Writing Section of the CELPIP Writing Test!
Take your time to understand the question:
The biggest mistake a student can make while attempting for any writing test is not spending enough time on the question to understand what the actual situation and demand is.
Experts say that every candidate must read the complete question statement, including the supporting points, at least thrice in order to not just get the general gist but completely empathize with the situation of the writer for a more relevant answer!
You can also make a proper schedule of the time division, which includes a certain time frame for reading and understanding the question, planning the answer, typing the answer, and proofreading.
Identify the keywords in the question and other directives
Now, while one reads the questions, not just once but thrice, there are certain ‘target’ words that one must focus on. These are words which give the directions for:
What happened/is to happen?
Why did it happen/will it happen?
How it happened/will it happen?
What is the result/solution/conclusion?
Not just these, but there could be several other important questions answered by these ‘keywords’ which sometimes are neglected due to carelessness of the candidates.
Prepare a rough sketch of points to be covered in your answer
Once you understand the question thoroughly and identify the keywords, the next thing you need to do is plan your answer. No, this doesn’t mean that you need to write complete sentences.
What you can do is write the phrases addressing each keyword you spotted in the question as this will save a lot of time and energy when the actual typing of the answer takes place because you will already know what is to be written.
Keep in mind that this is just going to be a rough-sketch and thus you need not worry about the grammatical errors and spellings. Priority is going to be proper brainstorming.
Be careful about the proper sequencing of the generated points
While brainstorming, it is normal for most people to get off track or diverge from the questions' actual demands. If this doesn’t happen, the candidates will mess up the order of the ideas generated.
Sequencing the points you have thought of is seriously really important. This is because your sentence structures and the types of connectors you use depend on how you arrange the ideas. Ensure that the sequence you have decided on is not confusing and simplifies what you are trying to say. Otherwise, you might score less than you deserve.
Divide the ideas into proper paragraphs.
Following the proper sequencing of the ideas generated post-brainstorming, you need to see how the appropriate division of the paragraphs would take place. This is usually based on the prompts (by prompts, I mean the miscellaneous details you receive along with the question statement). The best way to divide the paragraphs is according to these bullet points.
In other words, the number of bullet points in the question must be equal to the number of paragraphs, though you can also combine some at times based on what you feel is the appropriate method to present the ideas.
Plan the sentences and linkers (including subordinating and transition connectors)
After you decide on what is to be written and in what sequence, the next important thing which needs careful deliberation is the type of sentences which you can use.
Whether you use an active sentence or a passive one (this matters a lot in deciding the tone of your sentence), or all sentences you frame turn out to be conditional (Sentences framed using the words if, when, once, until, etc.), make sure that there is sufficient variation. Still, along with this, there is also clarity regarding what you type.
Using apt connectors, both within the sentences and paragraphs, is something that you shouldn’t ignore at any cost. Make sure the same ones are not repeated over and over.
Do not underestimate the importance of punctuation
As mentioned above, there is no denying the fact that the type of sentences we frame and connectors we use affect the level of score we receive to a great extent.
In this regard, those who use English regularly would know the importance of punctuation in sentence formations.
So, spending some amount of time in learning the appropriate use of punctuations (those which are suitable in formal writing) is really worth and if done carefully can be a boon for you!
Use appropriate lexis and formal phrases
Along with the choices to be made in terms of sentence formation, sentence variation, another important decision is of using precise vocabulary and lexis.
The type of words you use may make or break your chance of achieving a high score on the test. The words in your answer must be neither too simple to reveal your true mettle nor too technical, making it challenging to comprehend your answer.
Apart from this, you must never forget that CELPIP is a formal test, and every formal test - especially the writing section must include formal words, and the words used casually while speaking (or slang) shouldn’t be used, not even in informal emails.
Keep track of time.
While we discuss what is to be written and how, let us not forget that there is a time constraint in the CELPIP General Writing Module, just like it is in every other English Language Proficiency Test.
The screen during the examination is automatically timed and there isn’t something that can be done once the time to write is over, as the screen gets automatically locked disabling any sort of editing or typing for that particular question.
What is more, the main thing is that the available time is not just for typing but also for understanding the question, writing the answer, and proofreading as well. Hence, always keep an eye on the clock while you type!
Always proofread your answer critically.
The task is not just to write an answer but to write it in a way that gives us the highest possible score, 12!
To obtain a high-score, you must proofread your answers thoroughly before moving to the next question. While doing so, you can check for any grammatical, spelling, or word-choice errors.
Remember! Your time will be limited, so you must not change your ideas or complete sentences, as they may spoil the overall flow of your answer. Try to improve written things rather than change them altogether in this part!
Bonus Tip for Reading till here!
It is hoped that you have received a fair idea of what an ideal high-scoring answer would be like in the CELPIP General Writing Module.
However, you can do one more thing to achieve an even higher score: read the marking criteria and understand. This will give you some hints about how your answer is marked.
This in turn would help you identify your strengths and weaknesses on which you can work accordingly and get a score everyone desires! In case you want to have a look at the same, you can do that by reading this.
Remember! All these tips are helpful in the nick of time but will only make a difference when followed regularly while practicing because it is ultimately the habits we develop in the beginning that help us reach the final destination!
So start practicing now and in case you want to Read Samples of CELPIP General Writing Module, visit www.celpip.biz to get a fair idea for writing the perfect answers to the questions in the CELPIP Writing Section!
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